Open Storm Detroit Dynamic

Building smart decision support capacity in the metro Detroit region

This is an ongoing University-Utility partnership between the University of Michigan’s Real-Time Water System’s Lab and the Great Lakes Water Authority. The project’s core aim is to translate research into operations to support decision support for the Greater Detroit Regional Stormwater System (GDRSS). This unique partnership lowers barriers to the application of innovative approaches in the operation of stormwater assets.

Started in 2017, the partnership first investigated the application of dynamic control of storm water assets within the GLWA combined sewer system. As part of this effort, a subsection of the GDRSS (the eastside assets of Fairview, Conner Creek, Freud pump stations, and the upstream network,) was chosen as a study area to apply new real-time control algorithms developed in the lab. Preliminary results showed the potential to lower CSO discharge volume through the application of the novel real-time control algorithms. This work was presented at WEFTEC 2018 and was awarded the grand prize in the LIFT Intelligent Water Systems Challenge.

Current work focuses on providing weather and system forecast information, and not data, to regional stormwater operators. Through rounds of interviews with stakeholders across the region, we are developing a webtool that provides currated information to assist in stormwater operations.

Figure Credit: Jacquelyn Schmidt


  • Language(s) : Python, SVG/XML, HTML, JavaScript
  • Stack : AWS EB, AWS S3, InfluxDB, Grafana, Anvil
  • Methods : Real-time Control, Genetic Algorithm Optimization, Interaction Design